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Census Report on Civic News Organizations


A research report aimed at understanding the characteristics, values, and practices of local civic media  — a growing movement of organizations advocating that journalism is a tool for change and should not be limited to merely informing the public. The report offers insights into patterns among these organizations, such as methods of community participation and engagement, mechanisms for measuring local impact, and the emergence of a new journalistic ethos.

Published in July, 2024


The results from a survey of local civic news organizations in the United States. Civic media is defined as any communication that strengthens community social bonds or promotes civic engagement, such as local newspapers, neighborhood WhatsApp groups, or library projects mapping community information needs. Through interviews and document research, the author gathered data about these local news and information producers and summarized her findings regarding these organizations' characteristics, community impact, and sustainability needs. The goal of the report is to help the civic information ecosystem learn and expand.

Highlights of the study

The 18 organizations interviewed are part of what is a relatively new and emergent ecosystem. Although they have achieved significant milestones, quantifying impact remains a challenge, as only a few have established consistent patterns for impact tracking.

Their unique Theory of Change positions journalism as a catalyst for transformative impact in democracy building, reflecting an approach that, unlike traditional journalism, embraces advocacy as essential to its mission. Instead of merely documenting events, most of these organizations aim to tell stories that inspire change and shape the world in constructive and generative ways. And this is NEW!

Teams are gradually becoming more professional, but are also experiencing changes in leadership. The team structures reflect some inherent challenges, such as the absence of dedicated HR personnel and lack of succession planning and career development.

These organizations are aware that their existing audience may not perfectly align with the intended target demographic. This misalignment could be attributed to the lack of community engagement or the fact that engagement roles are not actively involved in decision-making within the organization.

The group acknowledges the need for a deeper examination of external factors influencing financial sustainability, especially when compared to other direct service investments. Revenue challenges might have to do with the lack of impact tracking tools and methodologies that accurately reflect the influence they have in communities.

Regarding training methods, these organizations recognize the importance of nurturing the next generation to further enhance the work. However, it's worth noting that training individuals and fulfilling other responsibilities can be time-consuming, requiring careful consideration for efficiency and effectiveness. And most of these orgs don’t yet have this capacity.

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